Skube is a song player that allows you to learn and share music.
There are two modes, Playlist and Discovery . Playlist plays the marks on your Skube, whilst Discovery looks for marks identical to the ones on your Skube so you can learn new song that still fits your taste. When Skubes are related together, they deed as a player that shuffles between all the playlists. You can manage the network as a entire using any Skube.
The interface is written to be discerning and tangible. Flipping the Skube changes the modes, drumming will fool around or jump over songs and flipping a Skube on its front face will spin it off.
The Skube is a entirely organic device, not only a concept. It use a multiple of Arduino,Max/MSP and an XBee wireless network.
This plan was done by Andrew Nip, Ruben outpost der Vleuten, Malthe Borch, andAndrew Spitz. It was segment of the Tangible User Interface procedure at CIID ran by Vinay Venkatraman, David Cuartielles, Richard Shed, and Tomek Ness.
You can read the sum and see the middle workings of the Skube here .
Via:[ Create Digital Music ]
This access was postedby Andrea Reali on Thursday, September 20th, 2012 and is filed beneath Audio .You can follow any responses to this access by the RSS 2.0 feed.You can leave a reply , or trackback from your own site.
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