Monday, October 17, 2011

Swiss National Sound Archives Selects NOA Stereo Converters

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Oct 17, 2011 11:54 AM

Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera (FN), the Swiss National Sound Archives, has commissioned a set of 6 stereo converters from NOA Audio Solutions in FN's technical trickery in Lugano, Switzerland.

FN will use the apparatus to technology the analog portions of the Swiss audio heritage. Much of the source element exists in non-standard formats that may be hard to digitize.

FN's technical and P.C. subdepartment is accountable for copying, restoring, digitizing and archiving all of the repository's digital documents. FN will use the new converters to technology analog audio recordings that include of coarse- and micro-groove records, cassette and open-reel tapes, and many other rather outlandish formats.

FN already uses two NOA Record feast systems inside of a NOA jobDB workflow system, a NOA CD-Lector 8 CD-ripping system, and NOA MediaLector 4 feast program to complete its goals. The new set of N6191 converters will expand the capabilities of FN's existing N6000 hardware modules.

The N6191A A/D-converter procedure is right away the simple line converter in NOA's product range. It features 24-bit fortitude with 192kHz sampling frequency. Working with 192kHz, it is entirely able of working inside of a substantial network overhead. The procedure is directly tranquil from inside of NOA Record software.

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