Monday, October 24, 2011

PrepSpin Broadcasts High College Sports With Viewcast Gear

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Oct 24, 2011 2:24 PM

PrepSpin, a Kentucky-based sports report company, is using Osprey 460e video takeover cards and Niagara 2100 and Niagara 4100 streaming media systems from ViewCast to announce youth, center school, high college and other sporting events on the Internet.

Since starting in January 2010, PrepSpin has announce more than 700 live and on-demand sporting events. It has not encountered any audio sync or video buffering problems with the Osprey 460e video takeover cards. The video quality, it said, is so great that PreSpin is able to announce feeds to local TV channels as well.

ViewCast mentioned hundreds of games are right away webcast any week, and thousands of high schools are moreover right away webcasting informative TV programs and teacher-produced content. The firm believes that many high schools will be equipping themselves for streaming capabilities inside of the forthcoming decade.

PrepSpin skeleton to use ViewCast's Osprey 460e and Niagara 2100 and will shortly deliver the high-definition capabilities of the Niagara 4100 network to river arriving events, inclusive the renouned Kentucky Basketball Showcase (and pre-season event): the "Clash at Cameron" High School Basketball Showcase in Durham, NC; assorted drum derbies; Professional Indy Circuit Wrestling; and any a of more than 200 high college entertainment events scheduled for after that this year.

ViewCast's solutions facilitate the intricate workflows compulsory is to web-based streaming of news, sports, song and other video calm to computers and mobile devices, lenient broadcasters, businesses and governments to simply and effectively attain and spread their audiences. More than 400,000 video takeover cards have been deployed globally.

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