Sunday, October 16, 2011

What's In A Name: Gaikai

"Basically a of the founders, his name is Rui Pereira, he came up with this name 'Gaikai,' and we said, 'Oh my God, no a will ever be able to clarify that, no a will ever be able to spell that, this is a bad idea.' And of course, there's all the subsequent to conversations, what about all the other unusual difference that are out there: The Googles, and the Kodaks, and the, you know, the Xeroxes?

"There's all these unusual things that are out there, so what's incorrect with having a unusual name? we then took a selling category in Texas, and they explained the thought of 'mystique marketing;' it's obviously cold to have a hard-to-say name, since it means if you know how to clarify it, then you're in the club.

"So any time you listen to Gaikai conspicuous wrong, you can go 'Hrm, this man doesn't know what it means, or how to say it even.' That's mystique marketing, so we thought, 'Huh, may be we give this a try.'

"It turns that the real word is a Japanese word, and it means 'a considerable open space,' similar to out on the open ocean, and if you look around on the open ocean, you can go in any direction. And that's what we think clouded cover gaming enables."

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