Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Samsung Inks Attend To Yandex

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Oct 18, 2011 2:15 PM, By Franklin McMahon

One of the largest finding engine sites in Russia is about to obtain even bigger. Yandex, Russia's finding engine answer to Google, has only entered a attend to Samsung . The new consent will offer Yandex on new Samsung chic TVs, pre-installed so those joining their new TVs will have evident access.

They have moreover concluded to setup Yandex on Samsung's Bada mobile phones that liner to consumers in Russia. This is an critical initial step as Yandex tries to obey the in roads that Google has here in the United States. It's no secret that Google's medium beginnings in finding has exploded in to an working network powering thousands of mobile devices. This, joined with Google right away targeting chic TVs with it's own Google TV, creates it protected to say that Yandex wants to spread to turn a digital media force.

Yandex is moreover provision widgets - not considerably apps nonetheless - to run particular feeds of data on the chic TVs. These add stocks, traffic reports, headlines listings and sufficient more. Being preinstalled on mobile gadgets and existing as the default finding engine is a outrageous win is to company.

While not especially targeting Google, Google has seen its figures eat away especially from Yandex. Site traffic is dropping on Google.com in Russia, whilst Yandex is spiking up. Yandex is the singular many visited web page in Russia. To put it in perspective, Russia has about 150 million residents, with 50 million of those periodic Internet users. Yandex has about 24 million unique monthly visitors, so it's a satisfactory gamble to say rounded off half of all Internet users in Russia might be using Yandex. The firm skeleton to allege in the mobile TV auditorium and obtain built in to as many screens as possible, inclusive tablets. This new attend to Samsung gets the outline off to a running start.

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