Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Richard Garriott Is Selling The Manor

"Oh, I'm so blissful to listen to it. There's only a other ... tiny thing. Teensy really."

"Well, I'm legally compulsory to discuss it you the home ... is assembled on a Tabula Rasa funeral ground."

"Surely not!"

"No, no, it's true. The Neph, the Bane, the AFS, all tangled beneath the floorboards. They're hermetically sealed, but still ... flattering grim."

"How could --"

"Now, on the in addition to side. That flare over there? He stole it from the International Space Station."

"So you're adage we have to live over the waste of an whole MMO, NPCorpses built on tip of any other similar to cordwood, but on the splendid side -- space lamp?"

"... So, may be ... $3.9 million? You think?"

"We'll ... we'll obtain back to you."

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