Saturday, October 15, 2011

'Holy Smokes' Loads Cremation Ashes Into Shotgun Shells

Possibly the really most appropriate thing about this firm is its name: Holy Smoke. That might sound truly so great until you find out that its business is receiving the remains of your desired ones and make-up them in to purloin cartridges and shotgun shells.

Holy Smoke, predictably formed in Alabama, will order the remains between 250 shot-shells, 250 pistol cartridges or 100 purloin cartridges. All may be had in typical calibers, and all may be had in domestic "mantle-worthy" wooden boxes should you confirm you don't wish to siphon slugs full of Grampa in to the local fauna all at once.

I admire that Holy Smoke is positioning its service as environmentally friendly, and we theory it is compared to burial. we moreover admire this story of the company's beginnings when it was founded by two state law coercion officers "several years ago."

I was discussing with my buddy and co-worker at work a evening. we told my [...] that we considered we longed for to be cremated and in a few fashion, have my remains tossed in to a stream or expansion by the woods.

My buddy smiled and mentioned "You know I've considered about this for a few time and we wish to be cremated. Then we wish my remains put in to a few turkey bucket shotgun shells and have someone that knows how to turkey track use the shotgun shells with my remains to fire a turkey. That way we will rest in harmony knowing that the final thing that a turkey will see is me, screaming at him at about 900 feet per second."

I are unaware because that man hates turkeys so much, but as corporate start stories go, it's up there with the best.

Should you confirm to send your cremated friends or kin off at "900 feet per second," a box of shells (in the aforementioned amounts) will cost you $850, in addition to an additional $100 is to wooden case. Available now, or when you may need them.

Holy Smoke product page [Holy Smoke around Werd ]

See Also:

Shot-Counter Brings Video-Game Guns to Real Life

Mystery Anti-Recoil Device for Guns

BedBunker: Sleep Sound On Top of Your Weapon Stash

The Back-Up: Bed Mounted Shotgun Rack

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