Friday, October 21, 2011

Google Skeleton Changes For Reader

Google is formulation to frame a few features from its Reader to speed up the Google+ amicable network.

In a blogpost, the firm suggested that the pity features on its RSS headlines reader would shortly be removed.

Instead, any person wanting to share or prominence posts on blogs and websites will have to do so around integrated Google+ tools.

Reader, similar to many other Google services, will moreover obtain a new look in the next few days.

The blogpost by Google program operative Alan Green mentioned that the changes would be forthcoming to Reader "in the next week".

The initial change will be the re-design to change how it looks and then it and Google+ will be brought "closer together".

What this will mean, mentioned Mr Green, is that Reader's own-brand amicable features, that enable users to share things they find interesting, will disappear. Instead, any person wanting to friend, follow or share things will have to do so around the analogous Google+ tools.

Mr Green concurred that these changes might meant a few people confirm Reader "is no longer for you". To help the that wish to switch Google mentioned it would beef up the trade collection so it gets simpler to take their feeds with them.

"Your information belongs to you, after all, and you wish to ensure you can take it with you," mentioned Mr Green.

To help people switch ExtremeTech published a partial list of 6 prospective replacements for Reader that enclosed NetVibes, Feedly and FeedDemon.

The changes to Reader are one of many tweaks Google has done to its services. These proposed with slight tweaks to the logos on the principal looking page and will go on with a revamp of GMail that will renovate its look and feel.

The headlines of the GMail changes were leaked around a video incidentally put on YouTube. This was removed, but Google watchers managed to obtain copies and post it once again .

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