Saturday, October 22, 2011

Calrec Reduces Cost On Omega Console

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Oct 21, 2011 2:59 PM

Britain's Calrec Audio has voiced it will lower the list cost of its Omega with Bluefin console to bring it in line with the stream pricing of its Zeta console, in unison with its outline to stop prolongation of the Zeta on Mar 31, 2012. The preference to lower Omega pricing is in reply to a patron change toward the Bluefin platform.

"The doing of Bluefin's FPGA technology in 2007 introduced a DSP network that is extremely more absolute and arguable than established designs," says Calrec's head of sales and marketing, Henry Goodman. "As Zeta is Calrec's usually non-Bluefin versed digital console, you have taken a preference to bring Omega pricing in line with Zeta, permitting all our customers to gain from Bluefin technology."

With this in mind, Calrec will cease prolongation of the Zeta console at the finish of the company's financial year. The firm is gift customers an chance to make last purchases of Zeta consoles, modules, racks, and cards.

In gripping with the company's encouragement policy, Calrec will go on to supply part spares and correct services is to Zeta for a minimum of 10 years from conveyance date. Should initial components or tools turn unavailable, Calrec will offer apt alternatives, inclusive hardware/software solutions. Calrec distributors will meeting existing customers to suggest them of the sum of the final-purchase offer and to evaluate their need for consoles, modules, and cards.

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