Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Elliptical Machine Office Desk Lets You Exercise While Staying Dapper

In the world where multitasking is king, it would be a god-send if any person could make a examination out of sitting in front of the office table for 8 hours or so. Hammacher Schlemmer, the store of idiotically costly newness items, may have something that would give us only that.

The Elliptical Machine Office Desk is a total office that only happens to have a semi-recumbant elliptical trainer. It features a table that can arrange its tallness from 27 to 47 inches with only a press of a button, enabling you to even swtich to station mode if you pick working that way. The elliptical trainer, meanwhile, allows you to pedal at a slower cadence, permitting you to total that PowerPoint display without having to break a sweat, literally. Do this for a full work week and you can erupt about 4,000 calories. There is moreover a opening guard on the table that may be electronically tranquil as it monitors distance, RPM, and calories burned.

Sounds good, but with its $8,000 cost tag, you are improved off shopping a cheaper pedaller and place it beneath you office desk.

Source: Hammacher Schlemmer , around Engadget

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