Sunday, December 19, 2010

Business Intelligence Solutions On The IBM System X3850 X5 Using XIV Storage

Business Intelligence (BI) is tangible as the technology used to remove utilitarian data from the immeasurable amount of data that a business has been pciking up over time. The data extracted can then be used by preference makers to guide their business to success.

IBM builds, tests, and publishes anxiety configurations to supply customers with discipline when sizing their BI configurations, and with the let go of the new IBM eX5 servers with more processors and mental recall than ever before in an x86 platform, this IBM Redguide announcement shows you how you can obtain the many out of a of these high-performance servers in a BI configuration. The IBM eX5 servers enable you to scale to new opening highs, routine your cubes quickly, and obtain question results even faster than on previous-generation M2 servers.

IBM has tested and is releasing new configurations built using these key components:

IBM System x3850 X5

IBM XIV Storage System

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

This Redguide is the fourth in a array that describes Business Intelligence anxiety configurations on the 4-socket IBM x3850 X5 stage formed on Intel 7500 array processors. The initial 3 Redguides covered anxiety configurations on IBM x3850 M2, IBM System Storage DS5000, and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008.

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