Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Google 'fails EU Privacy Rules'

Google's new privacy process might infringe the European Union's information insurance laws, according to the French information regulator.

The hunting hulk skeleton to reunite 60 not similar privacy policies opposite its products from 1 Mar .

But EU regulators had urged a "pause" so they could break down into parts the changes.

The French regulator, CNIL, mentioned that the process "raises low concerns" and that it fails to encounter the needs of the European Data Protection Directive.

The European Commission not long ago set out skeleton for new pan-European information insurance rules.

The Article 29 Working Party - an instructive body that includes member from all EU information insurance authorities - had asked the Commission Nationale de L'informatique et Des Libertes to look into Google's new process after raising its concerns progressing this month.

"The CNIL and the EU information insurance authorities bewail that Google did not agree to to check the focus of this new process that raises bona fide concerns about the insurance of the personal information of European citizens," it said.

The French regulator updated it was "deeply anxious about the multiple of information opposite services and will go on their investigations with Google's representatives".

Google has mentioned it is enhancing user experience and creation its policies easier and easier to understand.

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