Sunday, July 31, 2011

Clunky Double Dragon II Remake Barely Recognizable

2011 isn't over yet, but I'm flattering certain that will win this year's endowment for Worst Trailer.

, to be expelled on Xbox Live Arcade this September according to a inform on Co-Optimus, is a reconstitute of the typical side-scrolling beat-'em-up . But rsther than than a true graphical refurbish with a few new features, would appear to be a entirely not similar game. The reconstitute adds new levels and new mechanics, similar to a combo network that goes over the punch-punch-kicks of old.

So primarily it is in no way similar to . The game's trailer doesn't precisely enthuse confidence, either. It's not so ample a trailer as it as a feeble edited mismash of separate gameplay sequences. At several points, the diversion appears to postponement for half a second before it all of a sudden transitions to a entirely new segment.

Personally, my preferred segment of the trailer was when the diversion froze in the center of combat.

Chris says: What on earth is this? I'd be carefully meddlesome in this diversion if it was pitched as an all-new , that is precisely what it looks like. But commencement a trailer with "You can fool around on Xbox360 [ sic ] Live Arcade now!!" and then display a diversion that has nothing to do with that dear typical creates no sense.

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