Saturday, November 27, 2010

Roles In Oracle B2B

Following are the Default Roles existing in Oracle B2B.

1. Default Administrator

Comes along with the designation of weblogic. Only Default Administrator can emanate users in the weblogic craving identity store.

Default Administrator can do all the functionality of a Host Administrator.

2. Host Administrator

Host Administrator is deliberate as B2B Administrator. Hos director can create/manage channel, report along with mapping the users to the
appropriate purpose in B2B for both Host and Remote trade partner.

It can moreover emanate Agreement and deploy.

Host director provisioned for a definite document, can usually succeed the apt report and will be expelled from all B2B administrator
responsibilities. Only Host director can resubmit and cleane the messages.

3. Host Monitor

Can access report and perspective cargo of all trade partner.

4. Remote Administrator

Remote director can perspective and amend pattern time information such as profile, duct and report analogous to the trade associate to that it is attached. Can countenance and export the Agreement.

Remote director can access report and perspective cargo connected to its own swap with the horde partner.

5. Remote monitor

Remote guard can access report and perspective cargo connected to its own swap with the horde partner.

Once the user gets combined in the Enterprise Identity store, it has to be possibly mapped to Host or remote trade associate for a definite role
such as Administrator or monitor. Depending on this, user will pretence any of the on top of purposes from 2 to 5

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