Monday, October 25, 2010

ADF Faces Dynamic Tags - For A Form That Changes Dynamically

I regard this is a of the dark gems of Oracle ADF - a set of components that can manifestation not similar information any time.There is a energetic form and a energetic table, both read the meta-data of the part you wish them to manifestation and emanate JSF components on the page to uncover the at runtime.

The subsequent to demo shows the essentials of how to use them.We are formulating a way in our Application Module that changes the clarification of a perspective intent to be formed on a supposing SQL statement.Then we connect that VO to our page using the energetic Form component.And voila - you'll give the SQL, we'll uncover the data...

Two notes:The vo.executeQuery call in the AM way is surplus in this case. The perspective will be queried when you navigate to the page without this call also.

Dragging a information manage as a energetic list should outcome in a ethics that looks similar to this in our JSF:

If it doesn't it might be due to a bug in the stream JDeveloper chronicle where a periodic list is used instead - should be prearranged in the next patchset.

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