Monday, March 26, 2012

Assassin's Creed 3's Replaced Principal City: Philadelphia

Though the oft-neglected town was programmed early on for open world scrutiny in the game, imaginative executive Alex Hutchinson told me it was finally cut for gameplay reasons.

"When you proposed out, Philly was one of the cities that you longed for to do. In the end, you motionless against it, 'cause when you mocked it up - as you know, being from Philly, it's an architecturally written city, so it's on a grid. Which at initial you considered would be cold - the initial town in AC to be written on a grid - and then you noticed that ..." Hutchinson said. His coworker picked up after him.

"Well it's on a grid and it's flat, and the avenues are super large. So that's similar to 3 things that done us say it doesn't work in an open world." Indeed, Philadelphia was architecturally laid out as a grid by Pennsylvania's initial commissioner William Penn, modeled after European cities of the time.

But even the considerable avenues and stiff plan couldn't keep AC3 from Philly. "That said, there are key events that take place in Philadelphia," Hutchinson positive me. As for nods to everyone's preferred uninformed king during mentioned events, we'll have to wait for until October to find out.

[Image credit: Flickr user 'bengrey' ]

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