Monday, November 14, 2011

NerdHeist 2011: Razer Blade Prototypes Stolen From Razer R&D

It's misleading as to either or not these were the usually two prototypes, however its protected to say that any loss similar to this is a poignant one, and that the prototypes are value far more than the $2,800 sell cost originally quoted is to laptop. Tan is asking for any person with data about the burglary to send an email to cult at razerzone dot com .

The Blade, suggested progressing this year at PAX, creates use of a exclusive user interface and LCD touchpad; traffic secrets that Razer contingency desperately (and understandably) wish to keep out of the hands of the competition. We're not adage this was corporate espionage, of course, but you are heavily implying that.

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