Sunday, August 28, 2011

NASA Turns To Kickstarter To Complete Its Astronaut MMO

NASA's massively multiplayer online game, Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond , has been mislaid in space given 2009, but it's only popped up once again on Kickstarter .

There's a appropriation objective of $25,000, of that scarcely $10,000 has already been affianced at the time of writing, with 47 days still outstanding to gather the rest. If achieved, the money will enable NASA to total the beta-testing juncture of the last blurb game. A supervision taxation credit will tie in all donations up to $700,000 with an extra $500,000, and NASA has moreover awarded a stipulate to other firm to create a garland of connected content.

The diversion itself will be set in 2035, in the Arthur C. Clarke Astronaut Academy Station, that the Kickstarter page describes as " Hogwarts in space ." Players will be able to "uncover secrets about a hazard to civilized world as you know it, and erect you and your group a high-tech register of space rigging inclusive a home base, somewhereout there." PvE and team-based PvP fool around are promised. Check out a video here .

It'll be existing on PC, Mac, iOS and "select consoles," and - if the "estimated delivery" dates is to declaration rewards are exact - should home someday around December 2012. We're seeking deliver to saying what NASA has in store.

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