Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Greek Broadband, Heavenly Body Provider Selects T-VIPS For New HD Video Delivery Service

You are here: Home Page » Products Reviews » Greek broadband, heavenly body provider selects T-VIPS for new HD video delivery service

Oct 18, 2011 10:33 AM

Greek in isolation broadband and heavenly body service provider Forthnet has choosen the T-VIPS TVG450 JPEG2000 gateway network for IP transport, that will be used is to doing of the company's new business, TV Circuits On Demand.

Forthnet's new service will give video calm from stadiums or any other prearranged locations opposite the nation over its fiber-optic network to the Nova media core in Athens. Nova is a Forthnet-owned heavenly body and terrestrial broadcaster. Forthnet moreover will be using T-VIPS Connect to succeed the grant network. The network was delivered in shut team-work with T-VIPS' Greek associate OmniWave.

Nova is a digital heavenly body pay TV stage owned by Forthnet Group. The organisation consists of Forthnet, a in isolation broadband company, Forthnet Media Holdings and the Multichoice Hellas (Nova) subscription radio-television services. Nova offers Greek subscribers an form of general and made at home SD and HD programs.

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